Vulnhub Matrix: 1 Walkthrough

Starting with a ping scan we find Matrix at

A service scan reveals 3 open ports

A base64 encoded string can be found in the source of the web root on port 31337

Decoding this string reveals a command that redirects a quote to a file named 'Cypher.matrix'

The server's response to http://matrix:31337/Cypher.matrix is a brainfuck sample

I then used to interpret the code

This reveals a set of credentials, where the last 2 characters of the password are unknown

I then used crunch to create a list of suffixes to use in combination with 'k1ll0r'

Awk was then used to prepend 'k1ll0r' to the wordlist

The list is now ready to be used in a dictionary attack against ssh using ncrack

ncrack found the credentials to be 'guest:k1ll0r7n'

We are now able to login to ssh using these credentials!

Attempts to execute commands reveal that we are stuck in a restricted shell

Trying to escape the shell with '/bin/bash' as a command option in ssh fails due to '/' being disallowed

Doing the same, but with 'bash' is successful in breaking out of the restricted shell
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'  was then used to spawn a shell prompt

Running 'sudo -l' as guest on matrix reveals some very loose permissions

'sudo su root' was then used to gain root access on matrix!

We are now able to grab the flag

Thank you to Ajay Verma and Vulnhub for this fun boot2root!


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